Book Challenge

Book Challenge

If you spend any time on Facebook, you’ve likely seen the Book Challenge. For seven days, participants are invited to post the image of a book they’ve loved — one each day without comment — and then challenge someone else to do the same. The premise behind the challenge is to promote literacy and build a book list. For me the challenge was not commenting because how can you not comment on books you’ve loved? So, permit me to share those seven books here with comments.

3 Things You’d Be Surprised to Learn about Your Editor

3 Things You’d Be Surprised to Learn about Your Editor

Last weekend I attended my second PENCON – Proofreaders and Editors Network Conference. Billed as the only such conference for editors in Christian publishing, the conference is an opportunity to network and hone our editing skills. By our own admission, many editors are introverts, so you may be surprised that we’re into networking. Despite my own preference for anonymity, connecting with others who share my interest in accurate punctuation, grammar, and usage energizes me. It’s always reassuring to know that other editors struggle with the same insecurities and uncertainties that I do.